No more ads please on football I cannot take it anymore the ads are driving me crazy I cannot enjoy a good game of football without being bombarded with stupid ads telling me what to think and buy! Please will you shut up!
I am rather sick of the NFL far to many ads on it at every opportunity it seems... its not really about football anymore the nfl but rather how many ads they can shove in your face before you get sick of it and turn over the channel. It fragments the football as well making it really tedious and boring to watch.. that's why I really enjoyed the UFL season as it was a much smaller league with a lot lot less adverts too... the way they played games meant less interruptions and they just got on a played football in a way that flowed and didn't leave you confused as to what was happening you could actually see the game progress in its momentum. However to my annoyance the UFL closed its doors as is no more.... so why aren't any more football leagues starting up again? I think after the ufl failed smaller leagues gave up even trying to compete even though the ufl created football teams in places the nfl didn't go I think drawing in the crowd is really hard... especially if you have a u in front of your name instead of a n. I really hope that the ufl which went under because of financial difficulty gets back together but I guess you do go into finical difficulty if you do not have enough ads.....
The ufl actually discussed this very issues about too many ads on the nfl at their blog as well.
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